Human kids aren't the only ones who enjoy riding ponies. :)
Oops, sorry Mom!
Although this is obviously an attempt at humor, unfortunately there's too much truth in this photo.
Trio of donkeys offering a greeting.
Precarious load of hay :)
I've heard of cat naps, but this donkey seems to be comfy taking his donkey nap.
Perhaps these two should take it easy on the McDonalds? :)
Horse-powered skateboarding. If I was a few years younger, I'd love to give this a try.
The horsey version of Charles Schultz's cartoon character, Pig Pen.
The little mini doesn't appear to be intimidated at all by the giant Clydesdale
Obviously not a horse, but maybe safer transportation than the tiny smart car?
The things moms put up with - even in the horse world. :)