Horse Christmas Story

2017 October 30
horse christmas story

Operation Christmas Spirit is a heartwarming Christmas story to be enjoyed by young and old alike. The book would make a wonderful read aloud for the entire family this Christmas!

A rascally pony, two run-down carts, and a pile of moldy harness seemed like a strange start to a journey full of ups and downs that leads Rosie to the most meaningful Christmas of her life. But looking back, she realizes that fall day at the livestock auction was where it all began.

Although eighth in the series, Operation Christmas Spirit may be read first if you're new to Sonrise Stable. In this book, Billy King asks questions about the Biblical Christmas story. His curiosity inspires Rosie and the other children to dive into Scripture for the answers.

At the back of the book, you'll find questions that may be used for discussion or writing, as well as activity suggestions.

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