As I worked on the first two Horsestory books, which focus on history, I began thinking that a natural tie-in to that series would be a book about geography. After all, everything that happens, has to happen somewhere! Horsestory and Horseography work well together whether simply for reading or as a homeschool curriculum. There is some overlap between the two, but the horse information in Horseography is shorter, while Horsestory fills in more of the details.
I decided to take a break before working on the third and final Horsestory book to create a US geography book that focused on horses or horse events from each state. That proved to be more challenging than I anticipated, but the book is finally finished.
I'll confess geography wasn't a favorite subject of mine as a kid. In fact, I think I had only one class on it in my thirteen years of public school. Now, if there had been horses involved, the class would have captured my attention! I hope Horseography does the same for people today—young and old.
Horseography USA is already a unique concept, but I think what really makes it stand out is the deck of Horseography USA cards. Fifty cards, one for each state, feature a horse image on the front. The back contains the state image, capital, and a brief blurb about the pictured horse. The card deck may be used with or without the book, however the featured horses will be best understood with the more complete text the book provides. The cards will be sold separately or bundled with the book for a slight discount.
More details on the book, Horseography USA
and the Horseography USA cards.