Book Overview Videos

Below you'll find the overview videos for each of the ten books in the Sonrise Stable series as well as for the devotional, Following the Narrow Path, and the Horsestory Series.

Each book's video is found on that book's page, but I thought it would be helpful to display them all on one page as well. If you're not a youtube fan, the videos are availabe on  the Sonrise Stable Rumble channel as well.

Following the Narrow Path Horse Devotional

Sonrise Stable Book 1: Rosie and Scamper

Sonrise Stable Book 2: Carrie and Bandit

Sonrise Stable Book 3: Clothed With Thunder

Sonrise Stable Book 4: Tender Mercies

Sonrise Stable Book 5: Outward Appearances

Sonrise Stable Book 6: Follow Our Leader

Sonrise Stable Book 7: Rejoice With Me

Sonrise Stable Book 8: Operation Christmas Spirit

Sonrise Stable Book 9: With All You Are

Sonrise Stable Book 10: Love Your Neighbor

Sonrise Stable Companion: Books 1-5

Sonrise Stable Companion: Books 6-10

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