Click any of the question boxes to reveal the answer to the horse joke. Some of these are a little corny or even cringe-worthy. :) If you know of any better, send me your suggestions, and I can add them.
What do you call a horse that likes to stay up late?
What kind of bread do horses like to eat?
What did the mare say to her foal?
How much money does a bronco have?
What kind of food do race horses like to eat?
What did the horse say when it fell down?
Why couldn't the pony sing?
When riding your horse full speed, a giraffe shows up beside you, and a lion is nipping at your heels. What should you do?
What's the best kind of story to tell a runaway horse?
Which side of a horse has the most hair?
What street do horses like to live on?
What's the hardest thing about learning to ride a horse?
Why couldn't the horse dance?
When does a horse talk?
What illness do horses fear the most?
What sickness do cowboys get from riding bucking horses?
How do you know when a horse is in a bad mood?
Why did the horse eat with his mouth open?
What's the best length for a horse's legs?
Where do horses go when they’re sick?
Where do horses like to shop for clothes?
What type of horse can jump higher than a house?
“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse,” said the first horse. What did the second horse say?
Why do horses not use Android phones?
What has two heads, four eyes, six legs and a tail?
When does a cart come before a horse?
Why did the horse cross the road?
What does a mare wear to her wedding?
What do horses say when their food gets stolen?
What do you call a horse that plays the violin?
How are clouds like horse jockeys?
What’s as big as a horse, but weighs nothing?
Why did the horse miss the jousting event?
How do you treat a horse who has a cold?
What do horses wrap their leftovers in?
How is an egg like a young horse?
What do you call a racehorse that is guaranteed to win?