Horseography USA Cards

The Horseography USA cards make a great supplement to the book or use them as a standalone card deck. Beautiful, full-color horse pictures make learning the states and capitals more interesting!




The 50-card deck may be enjoyed for the horse information and beautiful photos in addition to being used as flash cards to memorize the states and capitals and to recognize the state from its outline image.

The front of each card has a horse image and the state name. Show this side and ask for the name of the capital. Flip the card over to verify.

On the back is the state image, state capital, and a brief explanation of the horse pictured on the front. When viewing this side, you can cover the capital name with a finger to ask which state is pictured in the image.

The cards are 2.5"×3.5". They should fit into albums made for collectible cards like sports or trading cards—like this one, for example. You could use an album of this type to create a Horseography scrapbook. 


Purchase the card deck separately or bundled with the Horseography USA book.

Sample Horse Cards for Arizona and Idaho


arizona horse card front

arizona horse card back



idaho horse card front

idaho horse card back

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