Horsestory Volume II: Longhorns to Lady Wonder

Although our past is intertwined with horses, the stories of those strong and loyal helpers have mostly been forgotten.

The Horsestory series highlights the diverse roles horses played over the years, and, when available, relates the stories of specific animals. The series is very visual with many historical photos. It's an enjoyable read on its own for those who love horses or history.

Volume II covers the time period from the days of the cattle drives out west to the early 1920s.

Test your Horsestory IQ. Did you know?

  • A president was once arrested for speeding in his horse-drawn carriage.
  • A blind horse helped build the Transcontinental Railroad.
  • Horses helped save hundreds of lives by carrying warnings of a dam collapse in 1874.
  • Fifteen of the first twenty-eight winning jockeys in the Kentucky Derby were black.
  • A Thoroughbred mare’s photos were used in one of the earliest versions of a motion picture.
  • Twenty mule teams, usually consisting of eighteen mules, hauled 20,000,000 tons of borax.
  • Horses moved an entire village of fifty-five houses a half mile to its new location in 1897.
  • Most of the Rough Riders walked.
  • Horses played a vital role in the lifeboat system that saved people from shipwrecks.
  • Horses were instrumental in developing the antitoxin for diphtheria.
  • Seven and eleven-year-old brothers rode alone from New York to California in 62 days.
  • A “psychic” mare helped searchers locate two missing boys in 1952 and 1955.

In Horsestory Volume II: Longhorns to Lady Wonder, you’ll not only find the stories listed above but many more—sixty-two chapters of incredible ways horses collaborated with humans to achieve amazing things.

Check out Horseography USA. It's a natural complement to the Horsestory series.

* If you're using Horsestory with a homeschool co-op or Christian school, please purchase one copy of the book per family. Contact me if you'd like a discount for copies of ten or more.

Scroll down for FREE Study Guide information and download links.

horsestory volume 2

Paperback, 8.5x11, 306 pages with b&w illustrations

ISBN: ‎ 978-1733391252

Age range: ‎ 12 to adult (there isn't anything objectionable in the content, this is just an estimate based on reading ability and interest level)

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Horsestory Volume II

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Horsestory II Study Guide
PDF - part 1

Horsestory II Study Guide
PDF - part 2

Table of Contents - Horsestory Volume II: Longhorns to Lady Wonder

  1. Cowboys and Longhorns
  2. President Arrested For Speeding
  3. Blind Tom
  4. Fire Horses
  5. Wonder Horses
  6. Ten-Foot Cops
  7. The Great Epizootic
  8. Flood Warnings
  9. Aristides
  10. Sleepy Tom
  11. Comanche
  12. Black Beauty
  13. Animal Welfare
  14. First Equine Movie Star
  15. Tom Bass
  16. Buffalo Bill
  17. Twenty Mule Teams
  18. Riding For Ladies
  19. Bucking Horses
  20. Beautiful Jim Key
  21. Clever Hans
  22. Talking Horses of Elberfeld
  23. Captain
  24. The Great Cowboy Race
  25. The Great Horse Manure Crisis
  26. Horse vs. Bike
  27. Rural Free Delivery
  28. Equine Moving Company
  29. Rough Riders Or Rough Walkers?
  30. Rodney
  31. Lifeboat Horses
  1. Horse Fountains
  2. The First Cowgirl
  3. Horses, Dogs, And Diphtheria
  4. Black Jockeys
  5. Wink
  6. The Midnight Ride To The Presidency
  7. The Roosevelts Are Horse People
  8. Horses And Bears
  9. Banquet On Horseback
  10. Horse Correspondence School
  11. Polar Ponies
  12. The Abernathy Brothers
  13. White House Stable Wrecker
  14. Two-Gun Nan
  15. The Girl from Wyoming
  16. Riding For Women’s Suffrage
  17. Riding To Every Capital
  18. The Great War
  19. Warrior And His General
  20. Simpson And Murphy
  21. Notable WWI Animals
  22. Wartime Horse Rescues
  23. Army Remount
  24. Exterminator
  25. Grand Canyon Mules
  26. Sir Barton
  27. Man o' War
  28. Automobiles Pass Horses
  29. Silent Cal's Hobby Horse
  30. Diving Horses
  31. Lady Wonder

FREE PDF Study Guide for Horsestory Volume II
194 page study guide!

This is a free download, but it's designed to be used with the print book, so it won't be terribly useful without that. This PDF is purely optional. If you'd rather just read the book without it, you won't need this file.

Feel free to copy the pages for use within your own family. I include my suggestions for usage at the beginning. Each chapter contains:

  • Questions for writing or discussion
  • Online resources containing links to relevant articles, photos, and videos (Use your own discretion/supervision here. The links in the pdf are clickable, but I can't guarantee that the content hasn't changed since I viewed it. I suggest a parent preview and select appropriate resources.)
  • A devotional lesson related to the chapter topic
  • Related information when available
  • Print resources when available
  • The Appendix contains:
    • Suggestions for supplemental history texts if desired
    • Historical fiction lists
    • Video sites
    • Sources for public domain images
    • An overview timeline (in list format) from the explorers to modern times
    • A chronological list of U.S. presidents including their years in office, vice president, and if their term ended early
    • Presidential thumbnail images
    • Western-themed writing pages
    • A variety of outline horses to color to match the horses in the book.

Horsestory II Study Guide PDF - part 1

Horsestory II Study Guide PDF - part 2


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