The Horsestory series highlights the diverse roles horses played over the years, and, when available, relates the stories of specific animals. The series is very visual with many historical photos. It's an enjoyable read on its own for those who love horses or history.
Volume II covers the time period from the days of the cattle drives out west to the early 1920s.
Test your Horsestory IQ. Did you know?
In Horsestory Volume II: Longhorns to Lady Wonder, you’ll not only find the stories listed above but many more—sixty-two chapters of incredible ways horses collaborated with humans to achieve amazing things.
Check out Horseography USA. It's a natural complement to the Horsestory series.
* If you're using Horsestory with a homeschool co-op or Christian school, please purchase one copy of the book per family. Contact me if you'd like a discount for copies of ten or more.
Paperback, 8.5x11, 306 pages with b&w illustrations
ISBN: 978-1733391252
Age range: 12 to adult (there isn't anything objectionable in the content, this is just an estimate based on reading ability and interest level)
FREE PDF Study Guide for Horsestory Volume II
194 page study guide!
This is a free download, but it's designed to be used with the print book, so it won't be terribly useful without that. This PDF is purely optional. If you'd rather just read the book without it, you won't need this file.
Feel free to copy the pages for use within your own family. I include my suggestions for usage at the beginning. Each chapter contains:
Horsestory II Study Guide PDF - part 1
Horsestory II Study Guide PDF - part 2
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