Sonrise Stable Companion Guide for Books 6 to 10

Sonrise Stable Companion Guide 2 covers books 6 to 10. 

Readers can write and draw right in the spiral bound book. It will be fun for young readers to keep the activity guides and review them when they are older! The first Companion Guide covers books 1 to 5.

The second Companion Guide contains:

  • Construct 3D paper horse models of Sassy, Zach, and the pony Charley from the books
  • Dozen Distinctive Breeds activity - apply full-color horse stickers representing 12 distinctive breeds, learn their unique characteristics, name the horses in each photo, and record the date and location when you see a live representative of each breed.
  • 4 Horse greeting cards with envelopes (designs may vary)
  • 4 Sonrise Stable Christmas cards with envelopes
  • Illustrated Scripture - the theme of each book is based on a Bible verse. Readers are encouraged to memorize the verses in their favorite translation. An illustrated version of that verse is included to help with memorization.
  • Equine drawing lessons for each book, including cartooning of horses and donkeys, again with space to draw right along with illustrator Janet Griffin-Scott.
  • Horse coloring pages.
  • Additional horse information and activities such as parts of a bit, bit identification, parts of harness, understanding horse gaits, horse safety - avoiding being kicked, etc.
  • Questions from the back of the book with room to answer them.
  • Book summary pages - readers will rate each book using a scale of 1 to 10 horseshoes and answer questions about that book such as their favorite part, character, animal, etc. 
  • Favorites pages - cut and paste the book covers in the order of your favorite books, also select favorite characters, and arrange the Sonrise Stable horses in order of your favorites.
  • 222 pages, 8.5 x 11


Younger kids will need help constructing these models. Once you've put one together, the process makes more sense and becomes easier. I found the Zach model to be the easiest, but perhaps that was just because he was the last one I did.

Sassy Paper Horse Model Assembly Instructions

Zach Paper Horse Model Assembly Instructions

Charley Paper Horse Model Assembly Instructions


Purchase the Companion Guide separately or as a package with the Sonrise Stable books. View all the options on the Sonrise Stable store page.

Sample Pages Sonrise Stable Companion: Books 6-10

identify horse breeds
color horse breed stickers
sonrise stable scripture themes
favorite sonrise stable horses
bit identification activities
meanings of horse tail ribbons
drawing horses gaits
drawing horses canter
drawing cartoon donkeys
drawing cartoon horses
christmas themes
horse christmas card sonrise stable
horse coloring picture
identify parts of horse harness
sonrise stable book summary page
mule paper model
put together paper pony model
horse model craft
sassy the mule paper model
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