How to Think Like a Horse - Details

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How to Think Like a Horse

This book will help young people, or adults, understand why horses act the way they do and how we can safely and effectively interact with them.

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Price: $15.95
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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

This is an informative book about what makes horses tick. One of my pet peeves in children's fictional horse books is the flawed portrayal of horses and their behavior. Horses are not giant puppy dogs. Love is important, but love isn't a big factor in determining a horse's behavior. This book will help young people, or adults, understand why horses act the way they do and how we can safely and effectively interact with them.

The book has a good balance of photos and hand-drawn illustrations.

There is a little overlap between this book and another Cherry Hill book, Horse Care For Kids, but I think they work well together. This book focuses on horse behavior from the horse's perspective while the Horse Care book focuses on how we interact and care for them.

Paperback: 181 pages
7.5 x 0.44 x 10 inches

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Beautiful hardcover, unabridged edition of Black Beauty, illustrated by British artist, Christian Birmingham,

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