Sonrise Stable Companion 1 supplements the first five books in the series.
The book is spiral bound, so readers can write and draw right in the books. It will be fun for young readers to keep the activity guides and review them when they are older!
** This product does not include the 5 books, only the Companion Guide and companion materials.
- Construct 3D paper horse models of the horses Scamper and Kezzie from the books
- Original, color horse stickers that may be placed in the book or elsewhere.
- Two full-color, 11 x 17 pages showing horse coat colors
- 4 Horse greeting cards with envelopes (designs may vary)
- Illustrated Scripture - the theme of each book is based on a Bible verse. Readers are encouraged to memorize the verses in their favorite translation. An illustrated version of that verse is included to help with memorization.
- Equine drawing lessons for each book, again with space to draw right along with illustrator Janet Griffin-Scott.
- Additional horse information and activities such as coat colors, the parts of the bridle, saddle, horse, etc.
- Horse Madlibs - create funny horse stories
- Questions from the back of the book with room to answer them.
- Book summary pages - readers will rate each book using a scale of 1 to 10 horseshoes and answer questions about that book such as their favorite part, character, animal, etc.